‘The Curse of Oak Island,’ Season 11, Episode 5, is all set to air on Tuesday, December 5, and viewers will finally see the results of the Muon tomographical study, which should lead them to an “Aladdin’s Cave” of wealth.

Muon tomography technology was initially introduced to Oak Island fans at the end of Season 9 in May 2022. In essence, Ideon Technology officials installed several detectors in boreholes throughout the island to map the island beneath.

The procedure was characterized as a medical X-ray of the island, revealing every empty, tube, pit, and chamber beneath the surface. The technique has previously been used to analyze the Egyptian pyramids.

Oak Island supporters were told at the time that data collection would take seven to eight months. But the silence has been deafening since then.

However, it looks like the wait is now over. Muon tomography specialists may be seen in the War Room giving the men a presentation in a preview for this week’s episode.

‘The Curse of Oak Island’ team excited at the hints of ‘Aladdin’s Cave’ (History Channel)

Muon tomography indicates  bind beneath ‘The Curse of Oak Island’s Money Pit

One of the Muon specialists remarked, “We think it’s Aladdin’s Cave,” referring to a “high-density anomaly below the Money Pit.” It’s good news, indeed, and perhaps a treasure trove.

The precise position of this anomaly will have to be discovered by viewers, but if it is located close to the Garden Shaft, there won’t likely be any excavation this season.

This is due to the fact that the Dumas Mining crew has exclusive access to the area while they excavate the Garden Shaft this year.

The preview, however, revealed that the team drilling a borehole had shifted their activities and encountered a vacuum. That will probably be a new riddle for the crew to solve.

‘The Curse of Oak Island’ team finds a void under the Money Pit (History Channel)

Gary Drayton discovers yet another ancient relic in ‘The Curse of Oak Island’

Fans may expect to see Gary Drayton continue his quest for relics on Lot 5 on the island. And, of course, it appears that he has rediscovered something extremely ancient and quite intriguing.

The object in question looked tiny and round, implying that it is a coin. It had the initials CKER and is thought to be exceedingly ancient, according to archeologist Laird Niven. It will almost certainly be another puzzle for the men.

This episode is titled Muon the Horizon on the History Channel, and the summary states, “After two years of waiting, the team receives the Muon topography data and learns that the cavity known as Aladdin’s Cave may have more secrets to tell.”