for Exploration

Identify and map targets

Measure characteristics

Determine the value of ore

Optimize operations

Operate safely

Drill less. Discover more. Faster.

Exploration focuses on finding new deposits or extensions to existing deposits.
Exploration activities provide accurate spatial information and intelligence to determine if there are minerals underground in a target area. Greenfield exploration focuses on potential new mine sites in unexplored or currently undeveloped areas. Brownfield exploration involves searching in the immediate vicinity of existing mine sites for additional deposits to replenish resources and reserves as mining companies draw down on them each year. Ideon is focused on mine life extension and production capacity increases on active mine sites that have the potential to materially improve the world supply of critical metals.

Geological uncertainty impedes growth, drives cost, and increases time to market.
The big challenge in mining is never knowing for certain what lies in the subsurface. You may extract and analyze data from hundreds or thousands of drill holes, interpolating what may exist between those geological biopsies. Even with all those holes, you still don’t know for sure. It feels like flying blind sometimes, yet enormous investment and operational decisions are based on that fractional information about what might be there.

Reducing geological uncertainty in exploration, giving confidence to move earlier, faster, and with less risk.

Ideon can confirm what you believe you know about the subsurface – and reveal what you don’t know – which can be even more valuable in terms of decision-making. Our suite of hardware, software, AI-powered services, and multi-physics fusion techniques allows us to create high-resolution, dynamic Earth models and unlock the exponential power of integrated spatial data.

We help identify and map subsurface targets, understand their characteristics, determine the value of ore in the ground, and help optimize mining operations to get those metals to market quickly, safely, and more profitably.

Ideon has imaged billions of cubic metres of the Earth’s subsurface – at metre-scale resolution.

Gain an unmatched understanding of the Earth’s subsurface, unlocking economic value across your operations:

Drill less. Discover more. Faster.